Thursday, July 30, 2009

Never give up!

What do you do when you fall? Fall face first... Never give up hope. I know that so many people are feeling the pain of lost jobs, homes and even in some cases family. Let this be an inspiration to us all.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm All for the GREEN... but come on

I am all for GREEN and believe that we should be doing all that we can to reduce global warming. But to spend $25 million dollars to install bike sensors at signal lights?? In today's economy, shouldn't we be investing in creating jobs and investing in our schools??

Bicycling around Marin County should become safer and more convenient, because efforts are under way to install new "bicycle detection" sensors at more than 30 busy intersections.
The intersections' traffic signals currently are connected to metal loops buried in the pavement that sense the magnetism of cars and trucks.
But the loops aren't sensitive enough to tell when a bicyclist is waiting at the intersection, because bikes don't contain enough metal to trigger the sensors.

Got the Munchies?

I get them all the time. Especially now that I am in career transition. Here is a way to avoid plowing through the whole cabinet of chips, cookies and bon-bons this summer. Choose water-filled fruit for your first nibbles -- like slices of juicy ripe cantaloupe. According to Jonny Bowden, PhD, author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, eating foods with high water content tends to be even more filling than chugging water with your meal.

No RED meat!

Thinking of grilling a rib eye? Instead, try grilling a salmon steak. Research shows that getting the omega-3s found in a 6-ounce serving of fatty fish like salmon could reduce the risk of heart failure by as much as 33 percent!
Hearts naturally lose some blood-pumping ability as a normal part of aging. But with heart failure, the decrease is made more severe -- usually due to another health condition. Yet there’s plenty you can do to keep your body healthy and avoid a weak heart. In a large study, men who ate fatty fish such as salmon or herring once a week had the lowest rates of heart failure. Regular exercise and a generally healthy diet are also good choices for your heart I hope my brother reads this one!

How's your blood pressure?

As a lover of chocolate... Did you know that just 30 calories per day of chocolate may be enough to help reduce your blood pressure? As far as serving sizes go, that’s only about a Hershey’s Kiss worth. But you have to eat the right kind of chocolate, according to Joseph Maroon, MD, author of The Longevity Factor. He recommends nonsweetened or minimally sweetened dark chocolate that’s at least 70 percent cocoa (my favorite!). Crazy for CocoaDark chocolate can also help reduce atherosclerosis and blood clotting, aid blood flow, contribute to an overall reduction in heart attacks, and improve cholesterol levels, according to Dr. Maroon. And it’s all thanks to the powerful antioxidants found in the cocoa bean.